Thursday 21 November 2013

Water purifier must have 10 important things

Like every big decision, purchase of a water purifier for your home must take your time and efforts in finally coming to a single right conclusion. After all, it is a matter of your health and the health of your loved ones.

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Water for beauty care

Drinking ample amounts of water every day is possibly the best way to keep a youthful beauty forever. Most people who spend several thousands of dollars in looking good may hardly believe that it is simply by drinking water that they could keep their skin glowing, hair shining, weight in control and wrinkles at bay.

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Saturday 19 October 2013

Here we have put together a list of 11 interesting facts about water for us to look beyond the mediocre status we have assigned this compound. After going through the below list, we hope that you take a moment to think about water and how fascinating it really is.

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Purified water is so important for humans that it has been classified as one of the six important nutrients needed by the body, others being carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals.

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Thursday 12 September 2013

OWN Water Purifier

Auto Sense - OWN Water Purifier

OWN Water Purifier - Auto Sense photo AutoSence-01_zps7f3239d8.jpg